The Biggest Lesson I learned in 2019

Here's my 2019 year in review. A year of extreme highs and extreme lows navigating through rejection and discovering my purpose.

Document, Not Create

Document, Not Create: An invitation to my journey through life

Books I’m Reading This Summer

This post contains affiliate links. This blog is supported through these links and I'll get a small commission if you purchase something through these links. The Sixth Man: A Memoir by Andre Iguodala Andre Iguodala is an NBA player. He's a 3-time champion and a Finals MVP. He earned this achievement whilst on the Golden…

How to Structure Your Life AFTER College

Our GPAs tells us how we were doing in our classes. Life after college doesn't have that anymore. What indicators do we have to measure our growth now?How to Structure Your Life AFTER College

Why You Should Do A Social Media DETOX

Social Media is a tool. It can be used to waste our time or used to save us time. Here's Why You Should Do A Social Media DETOX

How I Network

The key part of expanding your network isn't what can you do for me, it's what can I do for you.

My Approach to Learning Things QUICKLY

I have a wide variety of talents. Photography, handstanding, and coding. Here's My Approach to Learning Things QUICKLY

Why I’m The Weakest Person In The Room

Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team? Here's Why I'm The Weakest Person In The Room

How I Get Things DONE!!

How I become productive